- Internal part of ICQv7-t
binary: icqv7t.so
code located in 'jabberd' subcatalog
The license is JOSL. It's so, because my code is derived from old
icq-transport by Schuyler Heath <sheath@jabber.org> and others. My modifications are done in accordance with JOSL.
- External part of ICQv7-t
binary: icqv7ext
code located in top source catalog
The license is GPL. It's because of my preferencies and the fact that
code of external part uses libicq2000 which is GPLed.
Btw, the external part also is linked with JECL, but it is not
violation of GPL or JOSL
- libicq2000
code located in 'libicq2000' subcatalog
GPLed libraries from ickle project.
code located in 'libjax', 'libbedrock' & 'libjudo' subcatalogs
Libraries from the appropriate
project. My little
modifications of them are done in accordance with JOSL.
- libjabber
code located in 'libjabber' subcatalog
JOSLed code from jabber.org's jabberd-server. My little
modifications of it are done in accordance with JOSL.